Empowering disciples to make disciples

Evangelize non-believers.

We believe that the gospel has the power to transform people and change their eternal destination. Romans 1:16 reminds Christians to live unashamed lives and to share the powerful message of the gospel. Our desire is to help disciples of Jesus share the gospel with their non believing friends and family. We do this by providing them with the tools and inspiration to evangelize.

Engage new believers.

We believe that the christian life begins at salvation. 1 Peter 2:2 challenges new believers to grow up in their salvation by engaging in the word of God and the life of the church. Our desire is to help disciples of Jesus engage with the basics of Christianity. We do this by engaging new believers with the fundamental doctrines and practices of Christianity.

Establish growing believers.

We believe in the ministry of the local church. Colossians 2:7 instructs believers to be rooted and built up in christ and established in the faith. Our desire is to help disciples of Jesus be established in the life and ministry of the local church. We do this by instructing them with the principles of Christianity and the importance of the church.

Equip maturing believers.

We believe that every Christian grows in holiness. Hebrews 5:14 identifies mature believers as those who have learned to overcome sin through the constant practice of holiness. Our desire is that all disciples learn to overcome sin and correctly handle the word of truth. We do this by equipping maturing believers to overcome sin and learn to feed themselves spiritually.

Entrust multiplying believers.

We believe that every disciple is called to make disciples. Matthew 28:19 commissions every believer to make disciples. Our desire is to entrust and commission disciples to make disciples. We do this by providing them with the resources to disciple others.